For us and for our present customers the most important thing is Quality of offered products. We are using High Quality machinery, we employ qualified personel, and we are mostly using high quality german components (SWF Krantechnik, own design department and we are constantly improving our production process.
We woul like to invite You to watch the movie, which was prepared for us by the SEW Eurodrive company to improve our long term cooperation. This movi was created in our main factory and office in Svetlyy, Russia, Kaliningrad Region.
We have much experience of design, execution and delivery of lifting equipment for customers operating in the fuel and energy area, including nuclear power industry of Russia, China (El. Yangjiang Nuclear), India (El. Kudankulam nuclear), and others.
Below You can find sample of our production cycle:
- incoming quality control,
- automated nesting material,
- general mechanical engineering,
- quality control elements after each treatment,
- installation of metal structures, control systems, hydraulic equipment, electrical and electronic,
- applying a corrosion protection, painting,
- preassembly in factory and test run,
- outcoming quality control,
- the process of packing and preparation for shipment.
Universal Crane Cabin
We are a manufacturer of crane cabins due to our own project. Application of bentwood flat steel plates allowed us to reduce the weight of the cab while maintaining its exceptional rigidity and precision construction.
Crane cabin is performed in accordance with the 'Rules of construction and safe operation of lifting equipment' PB 10-382-00.
On request, we can be equipped cabins:
- heater
- fire extinguisher and first aid kit with mounting
- oil heater
- seat
- platforms
- air conditioning.
Weight 655 kg. Standard dimensions:
- height - 2200 mm
- width - 1560 mm
- sidewall -2000 mm.
We can also design and manufacture crane cabin according to the dimensions specified by the customer.