Wtorek 11 luty 2025

OPTIM-CRANE supplied power engineers from Kyrgyzstan with crane.


Upper-Naryn water-energy compound includes 4 heat and power plants and is located the upper waterside of Naryn river, which flows through city of Naryn in Kyrgyzstan. The construction of the compound have started in 2013 and it is based on the agreement of Russian and Kyrgyzstan governments. The installation of the first hydraulic power unit is planned on 2016 and entire investment finish date is planned on 2019. The project is administrated by „Górno-Naryński Wodno-Energetyczny Kompleks” S. A. and „Stacje Elektryczne” S. A. After winning an international tender, OPTIM-CRANE had to produce a gantry crane with lifting capacity of 32 tons. According to the agreement conditions, OPTIM-CRANE produced and delivered crane with previously meniotned required parameters. Currently, the company specialist are preparing for the machinery installation. Delivery of crane's elements had been executed in one convoy from Kaliningrad to Kyrgyzstan by OPTIM-CRANE fleet.