Wtorek 11 luty 2025

Twelve bridge cranes for Belenergomash are already delivered!


The deliver of twelve bridge cranes has already finished. Belenergomash, with head office in Belgorod, is leading energy company in Russia.
Optim-Crane had had to deliver cranes in a short period of time, because production complex's elements for pipelines had been nearly finished.
Crane with lifting capacity of 16/32 tons and 28,5 m of span, were shipped in two parts and delivered using own extandible semitrailers and standard truck tructor with semitrailers.
At this moment, Optim-Crane is finishing installation and is activating  two remaining cranes.
The entire area of new building complex is approximately 48 000 m2 and production capacity is calculated to produce 18 000 tons of pipelines for nucreal plants and power stations each year.
Currently, Belenergomash - BZEM is one of the leading engineering companies on Russian energy market, supplier of complex solutions for nuclear and heat energetics, gas and petrochemical industry and industrial and housing building market. General director of Belenergomash - BZEM received honourable title of "Solid supplier of energy market 2014".