Sobota 25 styczeń 2025


Thank You for visiting our website.

We would like to invite You to read all the posted informations. In to a crane market it is really important to work with professionals as well as experienced peoples – that is the way – our customers choosing us and recommend our products and services.

From many years we are existing on crane maket. We have excellent technical facilities, halls, warehousesls - all infrastructure needed to ensure the highest quality during the production process . We are using the best quality Western European machines that meet the highest standards of quality. We employ qualified personnel (engineers and other staff), who perfectly knows technological process and whole the time improves it. We are based on „ready solutions”, but also we have ownn design department.

We just need to get 3 parameters as: load, span and lifting height and our engineers form the sales department, helps You to chose most suitable solution.

Into our production process we are mainly using german crane components as SWF Krantechnik, Stahl or SEW Eurodrive, but depending form customer budget we can also use diffrent ones.

We can design, manufacture and install all types of cranes in all types of executions. Singlegirder underruning cranes, Single- and Double-girders overhead travelling cranes or gantry cranes.

Our cranes can handle all types of cargo and all weight. Can be finished by hook, spreader or traverse (depending from type of lifted cargo). We can manufacture all types of crane for work in to all the enviroments as for lower ambient temperature (-40/-50 degrees), or to use in to places where EXproof protection is required.

One more time i would like to thank You for visiting of our website, and would like to invite You for chosing our products and services!

With best regards,

Sales Manager